Retirement oasis – assisted living in Wolvertem Wolvertem, Belgium

“Oase Wolvertem” is a retirement facility combining a nursing home and service flats for which eld provided architectural services, MEP engineering and project management.
The complex consists of a care facility of 80 rooms, combined with 74 units for assisted living, located in a residential neighbourhood, close to the village centre of Wolvertem.
The design is built up through a linking of volumes and courtyards to create a variety of open spaces and living typologies on the relatively narrow site. The grand cafe positioned on the central ‘square’ forms the heart of the campus.
The alternating volumes and the use of facade materials provide a human scale. The project aims to create a balance between respect for the resident’s privacy, and providing opportunities for chance encounters. Besides the atmosphere and the architectural design, a lot of thought was put into the functionality of the nursing home.